An Introduction:  Sports is crucial to the lifeline of a nation and its people; it gives equivalent ground to everyone be it a strong country or a poor one. It gives the society to express themselves, to show the talent they possess. Unlike War which brings destruction, death, gloom, and sorrow, Sports have the power to bring joy, camaraderie, and mend relations and if used properly, Sports can be the most effective way to bring peace and development.

"It is hard to fathom that mankind has always persisted in adopting the most destructive method available to conquer, the war, rather than the cheapest and most economical method of spreading love and affection, Sports "

Countries understand the impression that sport brings on the community at large and probably this has been the prime reason they have used this as an efficacious mode of getting the desired results. Sometimes it has been to give a message of friendship like India and Pakistan did in 1999 with Cricket series and later in 2004, 2005, and 2006 to reduce the stiffness in their relations.[1]

Sometimes it has been used as a tool to showcase supremacy, especially during the Cold War when the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) engaged in the bittersweet battle of hegemony on the sports field.[2]

The Sports turned out to be more than healthy competition between the two blocks. The Olympics and International Sports became more than sports or national pride, it became a race to showcase that their ideologies and their system were better than the others. The tension reached the tipping point with the Capitalist countries boycotting Moscow Olympics in 1980[3] while the Socialist nations in retaliation boycotted Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. A point to fathom is that it is hard to separate politics from sports.

                                                       The USSR dominated the Olympics 

In India politics and sports have been intertwined with each other since the organized sports began, almost all the administrators belong to the political, business or the ruling dynasties of Maharajas. While it is said the medals are won on the field, but it is also as true that the planning of such medals is made off the field, this is a prime reason why country with set of able administrators, effective planning and good established sports regulations perform well ahead than the others.

Sports Law: Sports Law is still in the developing stage; the new offshoot of the legal world has developed post 2010. In the past decade or so the regime has grown significantly both in terms of education and regulation as well. The prime reason is the influx of money in the Sports; the Sports market is expected to touch 680.4 billion US Dollars by 2028[4]. The appetite of the spectators to consume the sports program has meant the relentless supply of the product.

If we analyse the reason of the growth of Sports Law, there would be numerous factors which would contribute to its widening scope:

1.      Soaring Revenue in Sports

2.      Rise in the interest of the common masses especially women in sports which have broadened the base of viewership

3.      Widening reach of Broadcast media which have ensured that the telecast reaches to larger number of audiences.

4.      Larger pool of career options available in Sports example : players, umpires, coaches, experts, analyst, support staff, data analyst, commentator, broadcaster, sports agent, sports lawyer, sports law professors or instructors

5.      Entry of big corporations in the sports sector

6.      Awareness of common public about working of sports federations

Sports Regulations:The Current situation of Sports regulations differs from country to country. There are a few countries that have established dedicated laws for Sports but the majority of the others still use a combination of multiple laws (like labour law, contract, torts law, criminal laws, competition law, etc) which are used to tackle the problems or issues arising from the sports. It is a prime reason why these countries are unable to tackle sports-related problems when the parties to the dispute approach the courts. In the absence of Sports legislation, the court has to look at the plethora of other laws which at times result in unsatisfactory results to these cases. legislations, court has to look at the plethoras of other laws which at times result in unsatisfactory result to these cases.

Unsatisfactory resolution of the

1.      Sexual discrimination

2.      Gender injustice

3.      Corruption charges

4.      Apathy in administration

5.      Lack of transparency

6.      Inconsistent allotment of work tenders

7.      Doping allegations[5]

8.      Dubious Election procedures and appointment of office bearers

It is a prime reason why the problems that can be resolved continue to deflate the players, people involved in sports as they know the solution might not arrive so easily.

                                       India's campaigns at the Olympics have largely been dry 

So, can Sports Law resolve it? While there is no assurance that a Sports Law established only for Sports will solve the entire problem for there cannot be a perfect law, it however would put courts, authorities and the sports administration to tackle the issues and legal problems pertaining to sports, in a better position.

Beyond Sports dispute resolution, Sports Law can help in better planning (both short and long-term planning) establishing accountability of those in charge of the sports federation, efficient funds, and revenue management. It also includes planning for organizing events, preparation for the same above all laying down schemes for winning medals and trophies in global events.

Countries having Sports Law perform better: United States of America (USA), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Russian Federation, Croatia, China, France, and Australia are some of the countries that have established Sports Act or Sports Code specifically for the Sports. The performance of these countries in International Sports are evident of why any nations requires dedicated laws.

To write detailed achievements these countries would be difficult, but their Olympic performance will vocalize about their glories at the highest summit in modern sports


Summary of Medals at Summer Olympics (1896-2020)[6]




















Russian Federation






























Situation in India: Sports have always been at back pedestal for India, both as society and country. In first three decades (1947-1982) India focused its energy on other sectors of priorities, the condition of most of the sports were not amicable. It was the Delhi Asiad games in 1982 and subsequent win in 1983 Cricket world cup that ensured the government took up sports with seriousness. Sports however was still not perceived as top career choice by Indian society, Indian parents were not ready to allow their wards to pursue a sports career. It was prime reason that even by the turn of the century, India had poor record in sports as major pool of talent never looked at sports as their career option.

Things had started to change with turn of the millennium with India's performance improving considerably. India's improved standing as a country especially in economic terms, a society which has become more progressive, thankfully to the increased rate of literacy and better money available in the game are few of the reasons for its development. On the other hand India introduced "National Sport Development Code, 2011" with an aim to have better governance in the sports bodies but it wouldn't be wrong to say that it had not been able to do much in terms of achieving the goal of better governance.

Why Should India aim to have a complete law for Sports?  Sports today has changed considerably, there is a huge amount of money, millions of followers and their emotions involved, countries' prestige on lines at times, broadcasters and corporate houses invest large sum of  money, and last but not least players' interest demand government to ensure that sports is governed with regulation that ensure development, proper treatment of stakeholders and good results.


There are a number of reasons why India should bring Sports Legislation


1.      Good Governance[7]:  While things have changed quite a bit since the introduction of the National Sports Development Code 2011[8] the issue is that the old stalwarts who have been in control of these federations have found a way to control them through their candidates, the problem lies in the way the elections are conducted in these federations which means selection through lobbying rather than on basis of skill, or qualifications, a major reason why the questions are raised frequently on good governance of sports associations.

2.      Dispute resolution process: One of the major issues in Indian sports is there is no proper platform for the parties for the dispute resolution. In such cases, they have to approach the courts directly which means a long cumbersome process. The Court also has different challenges to face, as they have to look to other laws for solutions to the problem in the absence of Sports legislation in the country. This has at times deterred the weaker parties in case of any disputes. It has also meant sports associations that are mainly powerful generally go scot-free.

3.      Short and Long-term planning: In order to succeed, it is pertinent that any sports must plan both in short-term and long-term planning. Seldom can we see sports associations putting a long-term plan for sports. It results in haphazard selections, undercooked training, poor results, and feeling of abhorrence among stakeholders’ post-event when reasons of failures are reflected upon. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of apathy from the administrators, those in charge are mainly from political or business backgrounds. While it is not a necessity that sports people will be good administrators and businessmen or politicians will be incapable. Some of the most efficient administrators (Jagmohan Dalmiya, and Indrajit Singh Bindra in Cricket) have been businessmen.[9] However, these people have ensured the rise of revenue, and broadcasting in sports but performance on the field requires different planning.

4.      What Should Sports Law constitute off: There are number of things for which Sports Legislation is required? Some of very important aspects which can be covered are

i)                    Tacking gender discrimination

ii)                  Pay parity in sports

iii)                Doping related issues

iv)                Regular and clean elections

v)                  Good governance

vi)                Grievance redressal mechanism

vii)              Doping related issues

viii)            Tenure and eligibility of office bearers

ix)                Financial accountability of the federations

x)                  Broadcasting related issues

xi)                Transparency in allotment of tenders

Beyond these issues which generally pertain to the legal issues, there are number of other issues for which a sports legislation is required like

i)                    Protection of interest of the spectators

ii)                  Long term planning for the International events like Olympics

iii)                Planning for events like Commonwealth, Asiad games, World Cup of respective sports

iv)                Protection of interest of  staff at federations, ground staff and other such categories of employees and staff


Conclusion:  The modern times have brought numerous changes to the world of sports. The biggest revelation has been the turn of sports into professional business, where huge finances are at stake, compounded with ever-increasing awareness of the public means that the institutions and the people in charge of running the sports in our country shall be more accountable. This can happen only when India brings in a law that is dedicated to sports only, a legislation that can ensure that sports shall not be treated as the second fiddle to other career options.

Other References


Ø  The Emergence of Sports Law Manisha Sudarshan Bharathi Vidyapeeth Deemed University New Law College, Pune Maharashtra, India+


Ø  What Is Sports Law? Timothy Davis, Marquette Sports Law review, Volume 11, Issue 2 Spring, 2001


Ø  Paul c. Weiler & Gary r. Roberts, Sports and the Law, 1993


Ø  Cold War sport, film and propaganda: A comparative analysis of the superpowers By Tony Shaw and Denise J. Youngblood, oai:uhra.herts.ac.uk:2299/19831


Ø  Pop, Cristiana. (2017). Olympic Games in Time of Cold War. LUMEN Proceedings. 1. 623-633. 10.18662/lumproc.rsacvp2017.57.


Ø  https://online.adelphi.edu/articles/male-female-sports-salary/





[1]  Analyzing India –Pakistan cricket diplomacy , Youth Policy review, 11th February 2022

[2] Cold War Politics and Sports Ice Hockey Competitions and the Image of the USSR in Western Mass Media, Author:Oscar Angestav Supervisor: Anastassia Obydenkova Uppsala University

[3] Boycotts of Moscow 1980 & Los Angeles 1984: Two different approaches -Same result, David Grassi, Universita Telematica San Raffale

[4] https://www.statista.com/statistics/370560/worldwide-sports-market-revenue/

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6311632/

[6] "Factsheet - The Games of the Olympiad" (PDF). International Olympic Committee. 16 November 2021.

[7] https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/id/396a8ec9-13d6-494e-9075-14cd98716c2d/9781000479515.pdf

[8]  National Sports Development Code 2011 https://yas.nic.in/sites/default/files/File918.compressed.pdf

[9] Dalmiya, a Businessman Who Brought Money Into Indian Cricket, Veturi Srivatsa, The Wire , 22nd September 2015

